Sunday, September 14, 2014

We are not stopping!‏ September 2, 2014

Firstly, sorry, I forgot my camera again...  I'm pretty bad at that aren't I. I promise next week you'll have pictures of me, Marlen, and my new comp Elder Elggren.  We were at the mission office this morning for choir!  I've decided to go cuz its fairly close, and the english sisters that live in our complex told me to.  It was fun, makes p-day awesome!  Its been a pretty different week I have to say though.
Well to start off I'm district leader here! I have to take care of all four people here in Brazos! That is a lot of people!  Its pretty exciting, and I guess its the right time and stuff.  I kind of half expected it, but what surprised me is that I'm not companions with a zone leader down here like I'd have expected, I'm senior companero but Elggren has more time in the mission, so I guess I'm doing well out here.  Elder Elggren is awesome! He's from Chandler Arizona and kind of reminds me a little bit of Jeremy Whipple, especially in like his taste for books, schooling, and so forth.  We're going to do awesome in Brazos! Elggren has spent his whole mission on a bike in the city, so this is a different experience for him.  He'll learn to love it like I'm really beginning to.  I'm still riding my truck around (Elggren can't drive, so I've just stuck as a designated driver for my whole life here I guess. I'll probably start praying when I know I'm going to leave Brazos for a bike area, and then regret it when God sends me there).

Our first week here though, heh, not much really happened. We had one investigator lesson, so we're trying super hard to go find more people, we kind of have to try to find them.  People are ready though!  We just have to keep working though formers, trying new areas, less actives, members, referrals, etc...   So yeah, hopefully next week there will be someone new I can tell y'all about!

Like yesterday, we tried biking in an area where no spanish missionaries dare to go, and saw some people, but not much.  We keep trying though!  Sometimes it feels as if I'm running on ice, where did my life go wrong? Anyways, that analogy doesn't quite fit, song lyrics, yeah...  Anyways!

We had someone random show up to English class and so we gave her book of Mormon in English and Spanish, hopefully the sisters can teach her as a new because she lives in their area.  I noticed in our area a bunch of the people they'd see a lot have moved away.  Oh well- Dios esta con nosotros y si confiamos en el, y trabajamos con la mira puesta unicamente en la gloria de Dios, va a recibir la galardon.  Paz afuera!

Elder David Austin Barlow, aka Dizzle Dub.

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