Monday, June 9, 2014

A wedding, a wedding, hooray! A wedding, a wedding, today!‏

Well first off, I really want to just go and hear more and more about Thomas Barlow and stuff.  I actually remember reading something about how Lancashire became a big hatting area for a while when I was looking stuff up at college.  That makes sense then, because it was during this Thomas's life that the area became quite hatty.  While we're thinking about family history, we've been asked to have a name that we can take throughout our mission temple trips to do everything for.  Do we have any names I can use? Because I ain't got time to find anyone new in our line, although I did help a Recent Convert find out more about her grandpa this week (that was a cool experience).  So basically let me get this straight, Thomas 2, father of Henry, was born in greater London, Surrey.  They family moved to Lancashire when the hat factory moved.  Thomas was a hatter his whole life then.
That's all super cool.  I just want to sit down and family history all day long, but seriously though.  If you can find a name for me, that would be wonderful!  I don't even want to talk about my week now!

But I will, we had a pretty long normal week.  Wednesday was super great.  I forgot my camera so I can't send pictures this week, but next week you'll get pictures of the Martinez family.  They went to the courthouse and then got married! That was super great, and they are just so amazing that it makes up for not having a super good week.  We just want new investigators, that's all.

Thursday was pretty cool.  We taught five lessons even though we had weekly planning take up time.  We taught this one investigator whose children were baptized a few months ago, and she has basically been avoiding us for lots of reasons.  She's frustrating, but what can you do.  Her children came to church, a family that hasn't been to church for years finally came to church, the Martinez family was at church, so our church attendence was pretty nifty this week.

Friday, because Tate (I mean Zone Leader Elder Tate, the handbook says we need to call them that, and we just laugh at that) is becoming a zone leader, he had to go to mission leaders conference which means I was just with some other elders all day, and it wasn't a very exciting day.  We had like no prosyliting time.

Saturday and Sunday were both pretty slow days.

And I really can't think of anything else to say.  I love you all, and the Lord always shows us grace when things are tiring.  We were biking so much this week because it was the end of the month and were out of miles.  Man I'm sore, and Tate's being all healthy because his converts told him he was fat at a baptism in his old area.  I will probably lose a bit of weight.  And if you ever feel like it, I could use another pair of pants or two.  Just so I have extra for the week.  Church pants, not jeans, I have enough of those.

But I love you all and hope you have a great week!  Gospel is true, and I really have nothing else to say.

Elder David Austin Barlow

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